Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Those of you that have every played basketball or football or Ultimate or seen me come into class after I ride my bike to school, you know how disgusting I am. For those who have not seen me after a quarter of basketball or after I finish the second mile of a nice easy jog, I’m drenched. I’m the equivalent of a person who has jumped into a swimming pool. It is disgusting, I know.

Well, anyway, Tyler has me working out with the Senior team. This has many benefits, like getting back in shape and as a wise person (Rachel Ingram) once told me, “The more you run, the more you can eat!” (and she would know). But it also has its down side too and that would be the excess of nasty, dirty, sweaty clothes. The clothes were starting to pile up and with the pile came a pretty pungent aroma, much like a JH locker room, if you catch my drift. We had a problem and the problem was we had no real way of cleaning these clothes. So we ventured to a store to see what a washing machine would cost. And they were pretty expensive, but we thought it would be wise to start saving up for one.

The next day, a friend came by, Jim, and out of jest we said, “Don’t mind the smell…” And he responded, to our surprise, “Why didn’t you tell me?! I came across a washing machine the other day and I think I can still get it for ya.”

Now we have a washing machine. Dirty clothes are not a problem and it smells more like an apartment instead of a locker room.

God is good! He has helped me out through this whole journey. God is the provider! He provided me with great support from the States and continues to bless even now. But even if He didn’t provide the washing machine, He would still be good!!! How? He has already provided the ultimate gift, a way for us to relate back to Him through His Son, Jesus Christ. (See Genesis 22:1-18) I know this might even sound a bit cheesy, but like the washing machine, He cleanses us so that when God looks at us He no longer sees the dirty, nasty, part of our lives but a pure and just person. (See Romans 3:20-28)

2 Corinthians 5:9-21

Some more reason as to why we should serve God

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Let the Journey Begin

This is the place where you can find updates on my journey to the Fatherland.... I will make them as enjoyable and relevant as possible but no guarantees. Thanks again to all who have supported me and prayed for me and made this possible, and to those who continue to do so. Philippians 1:3-11

this is a first blog for me. In fact this whole trip is full of first for me; first to fly over the Atlantic, first time to be in Europe, to be a coach, ect... but thus far I have loved every moment of it. Tyler has been helping get around and showing me the ropes so to speak. He has been a great help! He is real excited about the upcoming football season with the German Football Team and i can't help but feel the same excitement! The season starts in May. Tomorrow i will start workin with the youth team. It should be interestin.

The church was another first for me, completely in German. Tyler translated for me. It was Ephesians 1:15-23. There was roughly 70 people there. Very friendly people!!!! they made me feel welcome to say the least. Unfortunately there is not many college age students; this might be where I try to get plugged into. The youth are young as well and behave much different than what i have grown accustom to. No games, no music. They all sit there and listen to the teacher like you picture kids in a one-room school house. I was confused. I got the impression that they were probably all kids of parents from the church, yet another place that could use some outreach.

Pray for direction. and continue to pray for the language skilz.

1 Corinthians 1:8-9
Where does our assurance rest? Who is Faithful?
Praise God